Wednesday Night Fun Races

03/20/2024 - 10/02/2024

Fort Walton Yacht Club

By registering for this event, you will automatically be registered for the rest of the series. You will only be charged once. If want to pay for a single night, please pay at the registration/check-in.

Registration is closed.
Latest Entries 29 Total Registered
Boat Rating Class
Sails Calls 0 0.7410 B Class (IR# 680 and above)
Cyclone 962 60 Multihull
Weta JS 866 186 Multihull
Weta CP 101 186 Multihull
Jamin US 40123 0.8240 A Class (IR# less than 680)
H20JB 1209 60 Multihull
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