Last Hurrah


Chesapeake Shorthanded Sailing Society

The race will be governed by the rules as defined in the US Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the CBYRA Green Book General Sailing Instructions (GSIs), the CHESSS Class Racing Rules (CHESSS entries), the Chesapeake Multihull Association Rules (CMA entries). 

Additional information is provided in the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions with amendments as of 10/5/2023.

Registration is closed.
Latest Entries 8 Total Registered
Boat Rating Class
Specific Gravity 99 93/1.011 Non-Spin
Alice 44002 132/0.953 Non-Spin
Blew Bayou II 88040 171/0.902 Non-Spin
Nomad USA61043 138/0.945 Non-Spin
Stella Maris 53585 132/0.953 Non-Spin
Synergy 43432 99/1.002 Non-Spin
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