Single-Handed Round the Lake - 10/14/2023

Race: 1

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Non-spinnaker ( GYA ORA-1, calculated ratings shown )
Start Time: 2023-10-14 09:00:00 Distance: 24.2nm Wind Speed: 11kts Course Config: Random Leg - Medium
Pos Sail Boat Skipper Rating Fin. Order Finish Elapsed Corrected Sec/Mile Behind Points
1 73084 Nightshift (Beneteau 375,RF) Sandford Stone 139 1 14:09:20 05:09:20 04:13:16.2 0 1
2 none Zoya II (Jenneau DS44) Richard Gunderson 146 2 14:31:19 05:31:19 04:32:25.8 47.5 2
3 190 Songerie (Hunter 410) David Zatarain 161 3 15:24:38 06:24:38 05:19:41.8 164.7 3
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Printed: 09/01/2024 02:05:05 am