The Washington Sailing Marina is located at 1 Marina Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, just off of the George Washington Parkway about 1.5 miles south of Reagan National Airport and a similar distance north of Old Town Alexandria.
Races will be conducted on the Potomac River East of the airport landing pier. If a change to that plan is necessary, the race committee (RC) will announce the change at the competitor's meeting.
Several races may be sailed on any day at the discretion of the race committee. The warning signal for the first race on each day is scheduled as indicated below.
1800 PRO Safety Assessment Email
1000 to 1100 On shore check-in
1100 Competitor’s Meeting
1200 Warning signal for race 1; other races to follow
1630 No warning signal after this time
Dinner will start approx. 1hr after last boat finishes
1100 Warning signal for 1st race of the day; other races to follow
1500 No warning signal after this time
Awards immediately following racing