2025 BBSC Start-a-Palooza Race


Bluewater Bay Sailing Club

Welcome to the Bluewater Bay Sailing Club's “Start-a-Palooza" race where we use our season's first ish race to practice our starts.  We will have a short course, and do multiple short races, and even abandoned races to get as many starts as we can. 

The Notice of Race, and the Sailing Instructions will be posted here soon!

Here's some info on Registration:

  • If you are a BBSC member who paid (or will pay) the one-time fee for the season, please check the box that says, “Club Charge” for your payment method. 
  • It'll ask for your member number.  If you don't know yours, make one up.  I know who you are.  

If you are on a mobile device, the NoR and SIs (when posted) can be found by tapping the three horizontal lines on the upper right of your screen, under “Notice Board.”  If you are on a real computer, the Notice Board documents are linked to the left of this text.

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